Kids learning worksops site. Nice design. Custom slideshow in javascript. Source code in private Github repo.

UK Power Networks Services intranet documentation portal. An in-house design which adhered to the corporate style guide. Features some unique features such as asset mapping and area outlining in Google Maps. Built on the Business Collaborator system from UNIT4.

A fairly straightforward portfolio site for a sculpturer. Uses masonry.js to tile the images to the best fit, fancybox for the popups. Integrates with Pinterest.

A Kevin Ingles design for an up and coming tribute band. Heavy use of audio and video across the site. Video is stored on Youtube to protect bandwidth and the PodSnack audio player is used to listen to the bands songs.

This is the main database from which three recuitment sites run. There are forms for inputting vacancies, recruiters and adverts. There is also an automation system for Twitter and emails.

This site! Uses lazy loading of images to cut down on bandwidth and speed up browsing. It's a responsive design, optimised for iPad and iPhone. Using the HTML5 Boilerplate and Modernizr helps provide users with older browsers with a sensible user experience.

A website for a group of canvassers. It's an in-house design featuring a feed from the clients Tumblr blog.

A website for one of our designers. Lots of images so aggressive optimisation was a key factor.

Recruitment microsite for Cotswold Outdoor branch in Stirling
Other clients have included: Mayor's Fund for London, Deloitte, Interactive Data, Synapps and many more.